Hi ChoochooTrain,
Thank you for the example. I believe the discrepancy you’ve identified is that the penalty score is based on normalized crack length (% of final crack length) rather than absolute crack length (millimeters). For your example, this will result as follows: T=2+10*(7.46/7.46)=12, A=exp(|7/7.46-7.46/7.46|/0.2)-1=0.3611, M=1 –> S=T*A*M=4.333. This is not clearly identified in the penalty score description so we will update accordingly. Please let me know if this resolves your question.
Please note: normalized crack length is used in the penalty score calculation to ensure predictions for each sample has similar weighting regardless of final crack length. Teams will submit predicted crack length in millimeters (mm) and the penalty score will automatically be calculated based on the normalized crack length (% of final crack length).
Thank you.
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by